Welcome to theThe Office Geek“!

Thanks for visiting this page. My name is Dishit. I started my career as a software tester and was expected to grow through the testing ranks. I became good at being a tester and was even leading teams. But, I found I was not making the impact I dreamed of when I started working.

The hunger for learning new technology and passion for creation made me learn programming languages, principles, and practices around it. The cloud was new then and I consumed everything about it and soon knew more about it than many the designers and architects. 

I had to start back at the bottom. People no longer came to me for solutions and I had less influence. My ego took a beating. I was struggling with writing code as per enterprise standards. I was also taking a journey in the opposite direction that my peers had taken. So I did not have the learning curve that others had. This made me susceptible to newbie mistakes. 

So, I read other developers’ code ferociously. I read everything about the concepts or the words thrown by other senior developers in the team. Over time, I was able to convert my passion to become a top software consultant within the teams that I worked for. This also helped me get a job during the pandemic when it was the hardest to find any.    

Now I like to use my experience to guide you to maximize your career growth and earning potential. You will have answers to challenges that I faced and make your journey smoother.